Discover market-ready and sustainable mobility innovations

Explore market-ready mobility solutions across diverse needs and areas. Discover innovations proven to positively impact global smart cities.
Image for Neko Double Decker Bike Rack
Neko Double Decker Bike Rack

Cycling infrastructure that everyone can use with the space-saving…

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Image for OKO mobile APS
OKO mobile APS

The OKO app provides the ultimate solutions for cities by:Making a…

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Image for Shotl

First mile and last mile optimised solution. Dynamic routing and…

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Image for Vectorial® system
Vectorial® system

We work to make cycling mobility safer and to make cities more…

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Image for InclusivEbike

InclusivEbike removes barriers for physical impaired people to…

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Image for Long Clean Surface
Long Clean Surface

LONG CLEAN SURFACE provides permanent disinfection to public spaces…

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Image for Gotikket Booking Platform
Gotikket Booking Platform

Gotikket's vision is to empower users to make informed…

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Image for Liquid Guard ®
Liquid Guard ®

Liquid Guard® guarantees the disinfection of all treated surfaces…

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