
Enjoy instant carpooling for fast, economical, and eco-friendly trips. Find your carpool with one click and reduce your transportation costs while contributing to greener mobility.

Supported by: EIT Urban Mobility

Product Details

Designed for




Challenge Area addressed

Pollution Reduction

Ynstant is a cutting-edge carpooling service designed for the modern commuter who values time, cost-efficiency, and sustainability. With Ynstant's intuitive mobile app, users can quickly find and join carpool rides with just a few taps. Whether users are heading to work, an event, or handling their daily tasks, Ynstant offers a seamless way to share rides, save money, and reduce their carbon footprint.

How it works : 

Ynstant's advanced algorithms match drivers and passengers heading in the same direction.

Passenger : Create an alert for their upcoming trip. The app will notify them as soon as a vehicle is available ! 

No need to plan days in advance : costumers get a ride when they need it !

Driver : Before leaving, costumers enter their trip in the app to make it available and earn money even if they don't find a passenger !

No need to plan days in advance : costumers share their trip when they want !