Detroit: Sustainable Cities Challenge

Key Facts


Detroit (MI, USA)

Opening and closing date:

29/05/2024 - 12/09/2024

Funds available (up to):

3,000,000 EUR

Challenge area:

Mobility Infrastructure

Offered by:

Detroit from above

The Challenge

Transforming Freight

Toyota Mobility Foundation is looking for innovators to demonstrate solutions that decrease fossil fuel use and reduce the costs of freight operations in Detroit’s Eastern Market. 

Solutions should address one or more of the following:

  1. Reduce idling time
  2. Reduce partial loads and empty miles
  3. Reduce reliance on fossil fuel for cold chain logistics and freight management
  4. Reduce implementation costs and barriers to adopting clean freight technologies


Who can apply?

Applications must meet the following criteria:

  • T​​he solution must be tailored specifically for Detroit and implemented within the city.
  • Applicant can be single organisations or consortia.
  • Teams that enter as a consortium must nominate one organisation as the lead entrant.
  • Applicants must be established as a legally incorporated organisation to enter.
  • The challenge is open to innovators worldwide but entries must be in English.
  • Successful applicants must be willing and able to travel to Detroit as there will be expectations for on-the-ground presence during the next stage of the Challenge.

All funding must be used by teams to develop, test and demonstrate their solutions for Detroit’s Eastern Market, with the final funding to be used for implementation in Eastern Market.